The use of natural thermo-elements is a key part of Dr. Allen’s therapeutic device, which are activated when applied to the area aligned with the damaged area. The thermo-element accumulates warmth from the body and becomes the source of natural energy itself. The effectiveness of Dr. Allen’s devices lies in improving blood flow deep inside the tissue. Dr. Allen’s device creates a favorable environment for fine capillaries to stabilize and maintain a constant temperature within the tissue, thereby reducing the internal pressure and improving function. This, in turn, helps the area to recover over a period of time.
The natural principles that govern health and illness are ageless; they apply equally, everywhere, and at all times. Beginning with the Hippocratic doctrine primum non nocere (First, do no harm),’ they were considered as the most important. Thermobalancing therapy® might represent the best medical advancement since Hippocrates’ time, because it naturally cleanses inflammation and unnecessary tissue from organs, solely by improving the blood circulation at the capillary level.