Dr Allen’s Device for Knee Treatment will help you to live a more active and pain-free lifestyle!
You will be able to effectively relieve knee pain without having to take pills in the long-term or deal with their troubling side effects. (Common pain relief methods, such as the frequent use of painkillers, anti-inflammatories and opioids only provide a short-term relief, and will cause other problems over time.)
With Dr Allen’s Device, you will be able to walk without disturbing pain or discomfort in your knee. You will be able to enjoy your hobbies more or even be able to try things you couldn’t before. Dr Allen’s Device will naturally reduce stiffness in the knee and improve your mobility, so that you can best enjoy activities such as walking, playing golf, cycling or running. The device will also enhance your ability to perform and benefit from wellbeing practices, such as yoga, pilates and stretching exercises allowing you to feel more youthful and flexible.
Dr Allen’s Device is a superior at-home treatment. It enables you to treat your knee pain in the comfort of your home avoiding frequent hospital visits. And you don’t have to worry about your environmental impact either, as the innovative design of Dr Allen’s Device is both vegetarian and environmentally friendly.
You will be able to live your life pain-free!
Dr. Simon Allen’s research on The Origin of Diseases sheds light on the cause of chronic knee pain resulting from ageing or an injury. As an individual ages, the knee bones thicken and the cartilage tissue begins to lose its moisture and shape, which decreases the amount of protection available in the joint. A cartilage injury will also have the same effect.
As a result, the knee bones begin to rub closer against each other, pressing on and slowly damaging the nerves in the knee. In addition, the muscles around the knee become weaker, so functional limitations and stiffness develop as common symptoms. In order to protect the nerves, the surrounding capillary net reacts by increasing the number of capillaries, causing the area to swell. This swelling creates the pressure in the knee, and consequently, pain, stiffness and immobility.
The Origin of Diseases shows that the physiological processes at the capillary level in the affected knee become pathological, leading to degenerative changes in the joint, and ultimately osteoarthritis. Only an improvement in the local microcirculation at the capillary level can effectively target the problem and ease the associated symptoms.
Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device is the only successful way to improve blood circulation in the affected knee at the capillary level, bringing nutrients to the knee structures, removing waste products, and improving their condition. The therapy reduces swelling in the affected knee, thereby relieving painful symptoms, decreasing knee stiffness and improving mobility and the range of knee movement.