Head and Brain Treatment

Dr. Allen’s Device for Treatment of Head and Brain
Gentle treatment and safe stimulation for your mind

What Dr Allen’s Device is for:

Multiple ailments affecting your head and brain, including chronic headaches, cerebrovascular disease, low mood, and inflammation of the sinuses.

What Dr Allen’s Device can do for you:

  • Relieve frequent headaches and migraines,
  • Improve sleep at night and your mood during the day,
  • Fight off chronic fatigue, sleepiness, and irrational fears,
  • Increase alertness and level of concentration,
  • Improve forgetfulness and memory impairments,
  • Help to ease the sensation of dizziness and balance issues,
  • Assist with stroke recovery,
  • Ease inflammation of the blocked frontal sinuses,
  • Relieve the sensation of heaviness in the head,
  • Help to avoid long-term use of various painkillers and medications,
  • Slow down the ageing process in the brain and stimulate longevity.

Do You Want to…

  • Ease disturbing headaches, improve your sleep and levels of concentration, enhance your memory and your mood?
  • Experience a stronger recovery after a stroke?
  • Improve the overall health and function of your brain?

If you’ve answered “YES” to any of the above questions, then the exceptional Dr Allen’s Device for Heart Treatment will help you!


The innovative Dr Allen’s Device for Head and Brain Treatment is designed as a comfy headband with 2 special thermoelements, which are completely natural and non-electronic.

Dr Allen’s Device effectively improves capillary blood circulation in the head and brain, helping to stimulate its normal functioning. This gentle treatment is completely safe and free from any side effects.

How to use it:

You only need to adjust the size of the headband to fit comfortably around your head once.

Dr Allen’s Device can be worn in 2 ways.

  1. Place the thermoelements at the back of your head, with the supporting headband resting above the ears.
  2. You can also turn the headband around so that the thermoelements cover your forehead.

This rotation of the headband helps to stimulate blood circulation through the capillary network on different sides of the head.

Also, by turning the head band around and placing the thermoelements on your forehead, covering the sinuses area above eyebrows, it helps to ease chronic inflammation of the sinuses and the associated headaches, and the sensation of heaviness in the head.

Length of use:

It depends on the condition you’re targeting. Typically, customers wear Dr Allen’s Device for several hours a day, often in the evening.

To improve your sleep, you can wear it at night. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, put it on before going to bed but you do not have to wear it for the entire night to feel it’s positive effects.

To ease the inflammation of the frontal sinuses, wear the thermoelements primarily at the front.  You can wear the device intermittently as much as is comfortable. Put it on as soon as the achy symptoms appear; and wear it for a few days until they are relieved.

More complex cases, such as a stroke, require a more prolonged use lasting for several months or longer, which is totally safe to do. You can choose to wear it intermittently either in the day or at night or both. Sticking to this routine will make a remarkable and lasting difference.

Key Benefits of Dr Allen’s Device
  • Effective headaches relief and brain stimulation,
  • Reliable assistance with stroke recovery,
  • Natural non-invasive treatment,
  • No harmful side effects,
  • Empowers you to treat your condition at home.
  • Significantly reduce treatment costs,
  • Free international delivery,
  • Environmentally friendly design,
  • Comfortable to wear every day,
  • Easy to pack with you when travelling.

Dr Allen’s Device can help in the treatment of:

  • Cerebrovascular disease,
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
  • cerebral arteriosclerosis,
  • sleepiness,
  • headaches,
  • dizziness,
  • recovering after a stroke,
  • irrational fears,
  • balance issues or staggering,
  • forgetfulness and memory loss.

In addition, Dr Allen’s Device helps to ease chronic inflammation of the sinuses and the associated headaches, and the sensation of heaviness in the head.

Positive Impacts

Dr Allen’s Device for Head and Brain Treatment will allow you to live the lifestyle you want!

If symptoms affecting your head or brain are having a negative impact on your life, Dr Allen’s Devices can help you. By improving blood circulation in the brain, Dr Allen’s Device supports a healthy mind and wellbeing. It is a non-invasive, comfortable and cost-effective treatment which will be delivered to your door with our free international delivery. So you can take the first step in improving your life today.

By naturally stimulating blood circulation in the brain at the capillary level, you will enjoy a variety of benefits from your newly improved state of wellbeing. Worn as a comfy headband, Dr Allen’s Device will actually be able to improve your health and quality of life while diminishing symptoms of cerebrovascular disease. The capillaries will go from a constricted to relaxed state allowing you to feel your best!

You will be able to sleep better. Being more alert and refreshed in the morning without having to rely on caffeine is something you can achieve with Dr Allen’s Device. If you’re struggling with your memory or focus, Dr Allen’s Device will help you too! You will be able to read, chat, watch television or enjoy any activity more without losing concentration or focus. This increased vitality of the brain will also assist your memory so you won’t have to worry about forgetting important things again.

If you are suffering from headaches, the device will also be able to improve your quality of life. Headaches can be extremely painful, distracting or debilitating. If headaches are getting in the way of the things that matter to you, you should try Dr Allen’s Device. Improve your mood, protect your mental health and start enjoying your life more.

Feel more youthful and rejuvenated next time you’re socialising with your friends or family. With Dr Allen’s Device, you don’t have to let your head troubles get in the way of spending quality time with your family. And playing with your pets will feel more fun again.

You can also rely on Dr Allen’s Device if you are experiencing trouble with your sinuses. If you’re congested and feel like your forehead is aching or going to explode, simply rotate the headband so that the thermoelements rest on the forehead to begin alleviating your symptoms. Dr Allen’s Device is reusable so you will always have a handy and reliable solution nearby.

You will be able to live your life pain-free!

Fancy learning more medical details? Then read on!

The cause of cerebrovascular diseases

Initial damage to the cerebral artery’s wall occurs as a result of various triggers in the blood (such as an excess of substances). When the capillaries attempt to mend the damage, this process can actually end up damaging in the long term. The buildup of capillaries increases the pressure in its surrounding tissue, resulting in the formation of local micro-hypothermia.

This micro area becomes a new trigger point, and leads to capillary expansion, which in essence is just additional tissue. Thus, plaque builds up (known as atherosclerosis), which narrows the cerebral artery and reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. This leads to cerebral arteriosclerosis and Cerebrovascular diseases, headache, stroke, memory loss and other symptoms, i.e. to the chronic cerebral conditions.

How the Treatment Works

The treatment focuses on the improvement of micro blood circulation in the  affected organs via local temperature regulation. It is achieved with an external application of Dr   Allen’s Devices to the affected area of the body over a prolonged period of time.  Dr Allen’s Device accumulates the naturally emitted body heat, and becomes a source of energy itself, constantly maintaining the temperature locally at the required level. Capillaries are identical in every part of the body – so by optimising their functioning, Dr Allen’s Devices treat various chronic diseases in the same way.  This treatment achieves pain relief and regenerative processes in the affected organs.

For details, click here to visit our Thermobalancing Therapy page.

Dr Allen's Device for Head and Brain Treatment